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Budget and Funding

At our August 2024 General Meeting, the membership approved a budget of $1.5 million for this project. We are hopeful that the total project will come in under budget.




Fundraising Progress


With gratitude to the Ronald S. Roadburg Foundation, the Victoria City Heritage Trust, Heritage BC, and the Jewish Federation of Victoria & Vancouver Island for their generosity, and to our donors:

Thau family/Oasis Foundation​

Aaron Severs & Sue Ward
Adele Vernon
Aitan & Shari Roubini
Alan Marcus & Gail Nagley
Alan Rutkowski
Allon Beck & Stephanie Marchal
Amber Woods & Gary Cohen
Andrea & Ian Fill
Andrew Gow
Andrew Muchin & Larishke Rosenberg
Ann & Jose Zanbilowicz
Annette Rose
Annette Wigod
Anonymous (x8)
Aron, Peter
Avery, Hinda
Avigail Eisenberg
Avishai & Noa Gilad
Barbara Pedrick
Barbara Pelman
Barbara Wilson
Barnes, Dayle
Ben & Carla Levinson
Bett, Katherine
Bonny & Robert Schultz
Brian & Rivian Weinerman
Bruce Atkinson
Bruce Kapron & Valerie King
Carfra Lawton Lawyers
Carol Baird-Krul & Allan Posthuma
Carol Kerr
Carole Miller
Carolyn Blum & Ramm Hering
Chanah Caplan
Charlotte Holden
Charlotte Schallie
Charlotte Sutker
Chen Dror & David Gagnon
Christopher Jones
Colleen Golumbia
Cyril & Helen Kesten
Dan Russek
Daniel & Elisa Goldberg
Daniel Barer
Daniel Siegel & Hanna Tiferet Siegel
David & Daryl Levine
David & Dorothy Torontow
David & Edith Blades
David & Karen Brook
David Budd
David Johnson
David Kurier
David Leigh
David Soloway
Deborah Stevens-Reznick & Ron Reznick
Delilah Raybee
Devorah Stone
Diane & Peter Liatowitsch
Doug Marshall & Pat Dunphy
Douglas Hauer-Gilad & Jack Gilad
Dr Hinda Avery Foundation
Duncan & Michelle Morton
Edie Finkelstein
Edward Eisner
Eli Brettler
Elisheva Gray
Elliott & Dena Gelfand
Emmanuel Brunet Jailly & Helga Kristin Hallgrimsdottir
Eric Doherty
Esther Laredo
Esther Shatz & Tom Van Dyck
Evely Shlensky
Fiona Stuart

Frances Aknai
Frances Lake
Frances Rosenberg
Francesca Rapaport
Francis Landy & Bennett Mathews
Gabe Epstein & Belle Leon
Gail Saiger
Gawne, Addy & Furlan, Karina
Geoff & Tamara Soloway
Gershon Perelman
Gillian Murad
Goldenberg, Eldan
Hal Decter
Hanna Siegel
Hartley, Jennifer
Helga Thorson
Heshi Olson
Hilary Marks
Howard & Julia Herzog
Huxtable, Margaret
Ilan Handelsman & Katie Stafford
Ilana & Jordan Stanger-Ross
Isa Milman
Jack Sturmwind
Jackie Saunders-Ritchie & Brian Saunders
Jacquelene & Sheldon Seigel
Jade Gan
Jan Nolan
Jane Siegel
Janna Ginsberg-Bleviss
Janna Promislow
Jaquis (Yaaqov) Ittah
Jean & Graham Dragushan
Jeff Kushner
Jeffrey & Yael Wollach
Jenn & Eddie Moss
Jill Swartz & Mike Goldstein
Jillian Shoichet
Joanne & Greg Davidson
John & Carrie Greschner
Jonathan Stoppi & Rene Ozi
Jordan & Gypsy Fisher
Joseph & Heather Mitchell
Joyanne Plewes
Judith Fischer
Judith Nefsky
Judith Schachter
Julie Elizabeth
Juliet Simon
Karen & Barry Corrin
Karen Fainstein
Karen Rowantree & Lawrence Horwitz
Kate Cino
Kathryn & Spencer Rose
Ken & Eleanor Mintz
Kimberly Walters
Klein, Annie
Lana Adair & Erez Perelman
Laura & Daniel Brandes
Laurie & Ken Karmona
Leah & Uri Levi
Lee Henderson
Leoz Rafaeli
Lesley Lymbery
Lincoln Shlensky & Caren Zilber-Shlensky
Lindsey Lytle
Lisa Abram & Mark Breslauer
Lisbeth Louwrier
Lloyd Howard
Louis Sutker
Louise Crossgrove
Luba Lyons & James Richardson
Lucky Budd
Lynne Marks & John Blakely

Lynne Young
Malcolm Pearson
Malembe, Mike
Marc Cittone
Marc Fagen & Barbara Roback
Mark Halpert & Elizabeth Barnert
Mark Kunen
Marvin Kurier
Mary Casselman
Matt Sosnick
Maurice Yacowar
Mia Kalef
Micha Menczer
Michael & Hildy Ross
Michael Berger
Michael Goldrosen
Michael Rosen & Eva Goldfield
Michael Tripp & Mindy Richter
Miriam Waldman
Miyagi, Judith
Molly & Brent Pilchar
Morty Faerman & Rowena Keeb
Moss, Jennifer & Edward
Murray & Joan Greiff
Nini Krever
Noam Schlanger
Pagliacci's Restaurant Inc.
Penny Tennenhouse
Peter Anderson
Peter Umland
Philip Lipsey & Arlene Ackerman
Phyllis Chuly
Rabbi Harry & RaeAnn Brechner
Rafi & Dahlia Beck
Ramon, Liora
Richard Kool & Enid Elliot
Robert & Lucy Oppenheimer
Robert & Sydney Kalef
Romain, William
Ron & Janis Silver
Ronald Polstein
Rose, Edward
Rothstein, Lawrence
Rowena Keeb & Morty Faerman
Roxana Simons
Ruth Schreier
Ruthi Wicks
Samuel Bernofsky & Amie Reckon
Sandra Levy
Sara Chu
Sari Shernofsky
Sid Tafler
Solomon Michaels & John Costello
Solomon Siegel & Robyn Sealy
Stephanie & Alan Andrew
Susan & Phil Watt
Susan Edwards
Susan Finkleman
Susan Lewis
Susanna Haas Lyons & Aaron Lyons
Talia Chivo
Tess Nolan
The Hersant family
Tim & Barbara Humphreys
Toby Kass
Todd & Patricia Golumbia
Tony Leiman & Elizabeth Baldwin
Uri & Naomi Kolet
Usher & Merrilee Newstone
Vicki McNulty
Welch, Twilla R
Yaniv Gomes & Yaniv Ran
Yvonne Parti

Congregation Emanu-El acknowledges that we are located on the traditional Coast Salish territory of the lək̓ʷəŋən (Lekwungen) peoples, known today as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations. We recognize our responsibility to care for these lands as First Nations have done for millennia. In accordance with the Jewish precept of teshuvah, or sacred reconciliation, we seek to repair the harms we settlers have done to the Indigenous peoples of these lands.

As Rabbi Nachman taught: “If you believe you can damage, believe you can repair.”​ 

Full Statement & Background

Congregation Emanu-El | 1461 Blanshard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 2J3 | 250-382-0615 |

© 2024 Congregation Emanu-El. All rights reserved. 

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